Posts By: dev

Fall is an Ideal Time to Plant Trees and Shrubs 

Did you know that fall is an excellent time to plant trees and shrubs – even better than spring! Planting trees in the fall will give your plants plenty of time to establish good root growth. As soon as the seed touches the earth, roots start growing and will continue to do so as long as the temperature of the soil stays above 4°C or 40°F. By the time spring gives its warm breath and coxes the growth of new... Learn More

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Preparing Your Commercial Landscape for Fall and Winter

People’s perception is a huge factor in any business’ success. The colder months are upon us – is your commercial property prepared?  Here are some important fall landscape care tasks and maintenance projects that should put your property in good shape this season. Plant perennials Perennials are not only maintenance; they look great regardless of the season. Perennials are best planted in... Learn More


The Benefits of Hardscapes in Commercial Properties 

Did you know that when it comes to commercial landscapes, the best ones are a fusion of softscapes and hardscapes?  Southern Botanical understands that there are a lot of ways we can assist our commercial property owners and managers use their property to meet their specific goals – most especially when the softscape and hardscape are working in harmony. Learn more about the benefits of hardscaping;... Learn More


How Does Professional Landscape Design Affect Your Commercial Property?

A great commercial landscape design is part function, part form. Unfortunately, some property owners and managers simply choose a mixture of trees and plants without considering maintenance needs or future growth. Trees, flowers, and plants are typically chosen for their height and beauty, but sadly, there’s no landscape plan in place to account for the property’s future needs.  A professional landscape... Learn More


Top Benefits of Commercial Landscape Maintenance

Regardless of the target audience, industry, or company scale, first impressions always matter. Whether you own or operate a retail space, an office building, a restaurant, or a group of properties used for commercial purposes, landscaping can be a major benefit to your property’s value, to your business’ appeal, and to your customer’s satisfaction.  How you present your company always plays a big... Learn More


Top 3 Reasons Why an Irrigation System is Vital for Your Commercial Landscaping

Should your company invest in a commercial irrigation system? The answer is a resounding “yes!” Your business’ outward appearance - which includes your landscaping – is a reflection of your brand. It is the first thing potential clients and existing customers see before they walk through your doors, and the care you take with your image is reflective of how well you take care of your visitors and... Learn More