Posts By: dev

The Top 5 Air Purifying Indoor Plants

Looking to purify your home by reducing the toxins in the air? Today, purchasing an air purifier seems to be the only sensible option. However, they can be costly. The toxins and germs that are invisible to the naked eye are the most harmful. So what can we do? Invest in air purifying indoor plants. NASA discovered that houseplants can take in hazardous chemicals from the air. Air purifying plants do... Learn More

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Gardening Tips during Covid-19

Spring has indeed sprung! As people continue to stay in their homes, they pick up new hobbies, and interest in gardening is experiencing a major boom. The covid-19 pandemic shouldn’t keep you away from your lawn. In fact, it presents a fantastic opportunity for you to start your own garden or build upon what you already have. Turn couch potatoes into real potatoes! Before we elaborate on some gardening... Learn More

How to Identify Lawn Pests

Even if it carves out a huge chunk of our time, having a lush, green lawn is one goal every homeowner strives for. When it’s healthy, thick, and vivid green, your lawn is one of the most attractive parts of your home. However, when your turf becomes sickly and brown due to pest invasion, it loses its appeal. A well-tended, healthy lawn is a beautiful thing, but it can also experience an assortment of... Learn More

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Introducing the Top 5 Flowers for Spring

If you are thinking about keeping your curb appeal game strong, now is a good time to focus! There is nothing like a patch of colorful spring flowers to raise your spirits. These top 5 flowers for spring will start blooming as soon as warm weather makes itself known. 1. Forget-Me-Not These heart-shaped, brilliant blue flowers are not only beautiful, they are easy to care for. The forget-me-not... Learn More

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Your Spring Lawn Maintenance Guide

Your Spring Lawn Maintenance Guide The temperature is getting warmer, the days are getting longer, and we can hear the birds chirp once more! Spring ushers a fresh opportunity for landscaping. While a lot of homeowners are busy spring cleaning, avid gardeners are thinking about how to get their yards in shape. From budding flowerbeds, decorative new plantings, to irrigating a lush, green lawn, spring... Learn More


Getting Rid of Aphids

Did you know that there are more than 4,000 kinds of aphids? Most of them are not harmful to plants; in fact only about 250 of them require control. In Texas, ornamental plants are especially susceptible to aphid infestation. Aphids, also referred to as plant lice or green flies, pierce through the plant stems and suck out its nutrient-rich sap. To add insult to injury, aphids typically carry viruses as they... Learn More

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