Posts By: dev

Commercial Landscaping: Learn About the Threats to Your Landscape During Summer

As a commercial property owner, you want your landscape to be stable, healthy, and have a welcoming, aesthetically pleasing appearance throughout the seasons. Unfortunately, the hot summer temperatures bring unwanted threats to commercial landscapes.  Let’s take a look at some of the biggest threats in commercial landscapes this summer, and how your Dallas landscaping company can help reduce and... Learn More


Mulching in Summer: Choosing the Best Type

The summer heat is on! It may be tough to keep your plants healthy during the heat of the summer, but there is one simple thing you can do to keep them in tip-top shape: mulch.  There are so many benefits of mulching in summer. Mulching during the spring can promote the growth of fungus and mildew. Summer mulch keeps the soil temperatures from fluctuating, controls erosion, cuts down on weeds, improves... Learn More

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Feeding Azaleas

Texas loves its azalea plants. It can tolerate sunny weather well, not to mention that they are one of the hardiest and most colorful plants. Placed in flower beds or lined along garden borders, azaleas make a beautiful addition to any landscape. Compared to other flowering plants, the azalea is not a hungry plant and typically does well without fertilizer. Unless these plants show signs of nutrient... Learn More

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Five Tough Summer Plants that will Survive the Texas Heat

The hot summer days can make your plants fizzle and your flowers fade. However, Texas’ yards have become the envy of those who didn’t live there since they have heat-tolerant plants and flowers thriving all year round. It can be undeniably hot in Texas during summer – there may be little to no rain for long periods of time. Now that you have spent a huge chunk of your time and energy devoted to making... Learn More

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Summer Landscape Care

With the sunny Texas heat comes poolside parties, barbecues, and lots of outdoor fun. It also means the need for the family to use the backyard. As people spend the majority of their time outdoors during the summer than any other time, follow our tips on summer landscape care for a healthy, aesthetically appealing, and entertainment-worthy outdoor space.  Proper watering A lot of people think that the... Learn More

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The Benefits of Commercial Tree Trimming

If you are a business owner, then you know too well the power of a good impression and reputation. Your potential clients and existing customers always want to know their money’s worth. More often than not, the first impression that they have of your business determines whether or not they will avail of your goods or services. This only means that if you have a business property, you should ensure that it is... Learn More

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