Posts By: dev

It’s Time to Prepare Your Garden for Spring!

It can be easy to abandon your lawn during the colder months. The bleak weather, cold earth, and the morning frost can make yard work seem like an unnecessary task. But did you know that if you make time to tend to your landscape during the cold months, you are more likely to reap the rewards of a show-stopping garden come spring? One of the best secrets to having an amazing spring garden is to prepare it during... Learn More

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Mistletoe Management and Removal

The mistletoe might be a romantic sight during the holidays, but did you know that it can harm or even kill your tree? If you notice the telltale signs of a mistletoe infestation in your tree (hint: large, green globes), then it's time to schedule a free arborist consultation to discuss mistletoe removal or treatment. Mistletoes are parasitic plants that steal water, carbohydrates, and nutrients from the host... Learn More

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Root Flare Exposure Explained: Why is it important?

It might be hard to believe looking around your neighborhood, but did you know trees shouldn’t look like telephone poles coming out of the ground? The practice of burying root flares of trees has become an epidemic of tree malpractice in urban landscaping.    The all-important root flare of a tree is the foot or anchor of the tree.  It should be exposed so that the tapered part of the trunk that meets... Learn More

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Why is Tree Pruning During Winter Necessary?

You may have heard that tree pruning is extremely beneficial to maintain the health and beauty of your trees, but do you know why?  If you are serious about having healthy trees in your landscape, you must understand that pruning them is a must. How well you take care of your trees determines its strength, shape, and longevity. With the leaves all gone and winter in full swing, you may not be giving... Learn More

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Your Winter Landscape Maintenance Guide

Can landscaping be done during the colder months? Our answer is a resounding “yes!” Winter is a time for dormancy for your landscape, but it still needs some TLC if you want your landscape to thrive and flourish in the coming growing season. Just as your landscape has 4 different seasons of rest and growth, it also has 4 distinct seasons of landscape maintenance. Yes, winter landscape maintenance... Learn More

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What Landscape Maintenance Services Can be Done in Winter?

Without proper planning, the cold season can wreak havoc on your lawn. Protect your investment and keep your landscape beautiful and in peak health with our recommendations for landscape maintenance services this month. Gutter Cleaning Did you know that gutter cleaning can save you thousands of dollars in costly home repairs? Gutters provide water and rain damage protection to your home by collecting and... Learn More

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