Posts By: lindy.admin

Turf Pre-Emergent and Fertilization for Fall

There are a couple of things that you should do to keep your outdoor property healthy and flourishing. Among the landscape maintenance tasks performed, pre-emergent weed control and turf fertilization are two of the most important lawn treatments this season. There are a few landscaping chores as backbreaking and tedious as pulling lawn weeds, and this is exactly why pre-emergent treatments are a must for a... Learn More

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The Benefits of Fall Turf Scalping and Seed Application

Proper timing and knowing the right techniques for fall landscape maintenance are keys to keeping your lawn healthy and thriving. Get everything right, and you can enjoy a healthy lawn that will endure the harsh winter weather and a lush landscape come spring. While there are a lot of strategies for keeping your landscape in great shape, homeowners and property managers should not overlook lawn scalping and... Learn More

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Detect the Early Signs of Grub Worm Damage

We think that the lawn grub is very aptly named. When they infest your lawn, they cause damage by literally feeding or grubbing on the roots, causing patches of your turf to die. The root system becomes compromised, causing your lawn to have difficulty ingesting nutrients and water. Lawn grubs love sunny weather, so it is especially important to become vigilant to signs of grub infestation. Detect the early... Learn More

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The Benefits of Turf Aeration

Simple and consistent maintenance can go a long way in having a healthy lawn. Your lawn is like a car. As the fall season approaches, there are specific upkeep requirements that your car needs, suck as getting an oil change or rotating tires. For your lawn, the best time to aerate is in the spring or fall. All those summer months spent enjoying the lawn can result in soil compaction due to heavy foot traffic.... Learn More

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Beware of Emerald Ash Borers

There are a lot of species of borer insects, and they come in various sizes and colors. However, they share one thing in common: they can be incredibly destructive. Since its introduction to America in the early 2000s, the emerald ash borer has killed millions of ash trees, and can kill them within 3 years of infestation. The Texas A & M AgriLife Extension Office reported its first sighting in Harrison... Learn More

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Commercial Landscaping: Learn About the Threats to Your Landscape During Summer

As a commercial property owner, you want your landscape to be stable, healthy, and have a welcoming, aesthetically pleasing appearance throughout the seasons. Unfortunately, the hot summer temperatures bring unwanted threats to commercial landscapes.  Let’s take a look at some of the biggest threats in commercial landscapes this summer, and how your Dallas landscaping company can help reduce and... Learn More
