Tyler Technologies | Commercial Landscape and Landscape Maintenance by Southern Botanical

Plano, Texas

Tyler Technologies

Tyler Technologies enlisted us for this commercial landscaping project to transform the property around their Plano-based headquarters, and we were happy to install a more sustainable, native-loving landscape that better aligns with their corporate values. Over time, this property has evolved to include a butterfly garden, buffalo grass with minimal watering needs and carefully placed gravel in heavily shaded areas under trees. It also features a walking trail to promote a healthy lifestyle for employees.




Installation, Maintenance

Landscape Architect

TBG Partners

Tyler Techonogies Landscape by Southern Botanical | Dallas Commercial Landscaping Company
Commerical Landscaping Services by Southern Botanical | Tyler Technologies
Tyler Technologies Landscaping by Southern Botanical | Dallas Landscaper
Tyler Technologies Landscape by Southern Botanical | Dallas Commercial Landscaping Services Company
Tyler Technologies Commercial Landscaping by Southern Botanical | Dallas Commercial Landscaping Services Company
Tyler Technologies Commercial Landscaping by Southern Botanical | Commercial Landscaping Services Company in Dallas, TX
Commercial Landscaping by Southern Botanical | Commercial Landscaping Services Company in Dallas, TX
Commercial Landscaping by Southern Botanical | Dallas Commercial Landscaping Services Company
Landscaping of Tyler Technologies by Southern Botanical | Dallas Landscaping Services
Landscaping of Tyler Technologies by Southern Botanical | Dallas Landscaping
Tyler Technologies Landscape by Southern Botanical | Dallas Landscaping Services
Tyler Technologies Landscape by Southern Botanical | Dallas Landscaping Services Company