Landscape Maintenance

Identifying Crepe Myrtle Bark Scale Infestation

Crepe myrtles are a beloved sight in Texas landscapes, celebrated for their vibrant blooms and hardy nature. These trees, known for their stunning pink, red, white, and purple flowers, thrive in the warm Texas climate. However, crepe myrtles are not without their challenges. One significant issue they face is the infestation of bark scale, a pest that can severely impact their health and beauty. This blog post will explore the symptoms, prevention, and treatment of bark scale in crepe myrtles, providing you with the knowledge to protect these beautiful trees.

Symptoms of Bark Scale Infestation

Bark scale, also known as crepe myrtle bark scale (CMBS), is an invasive pest originally from Asia. These pests can be devastating to crepe myrtles if not properly managed. Here are the key symptoms to look for:

  •  Black Trunk: A noticeable sign of CMBS infestation is the blackening of the tree trunk. This is caused by the black sooty mold that grows on the honeydew excreted by the bark scale.
  • White Scale: You might see small, white, waxy deposits on the bark. These are the scales themselves.
  • Pink Insects: When you crush the white scales, you’ll often see a pinkish fluid, indicating a live infestation.
  • Stunted Growth: Infested trees may exhibit slower growth and fewer blooms.
  • Aphids Infesting: Alongside bark scale, aphids might also be present, contributing to the problem.

Prevention of Bark Scale Infestation

Preventing a CMBS infestation is crucial for maintaining the health and aesthetics of your crepe myrtles. Here are some effective prevention methods:

 Cultural Control:

  • Prune Properly: Avoid “crepe murder,” the practice of severely cutting back crepe myrtles, as it can weaken the trees and make them more susceptible to pests.
  • Clean Up Debris: Regularly remove fallen leaves and debris around the base of the tree to prevent pests from finding a suitable habitat.
  • Promote Tree Health: Ensure your crepe myrtles are healthy by providing adequate water and nutrients. Healthy trees are more resistant to pests.

 Chemical Control:

  • Insecticidal Soap: Apply insecticidal soap to kill the aphids and bark scale insects. This method is effective during the early stages of infestation.
  • Systemic Insecticides: Use systemic insecticides that are absorbed by the tree and kill pests as they feed. This can be a more longterm solution to controlling bark scale.

Treating Bark Scale Infestation

If your crepe myrtles are already infested with CMBS, it’s important to act quickly to mitigate the damage. Here are some treatment options:

Manual Removal:

  •  Scrub the Trunks: Use a soft brush and a mixture of water and mild detergent to scrub off the white scales from the trunk and branches.
  • Remove Sooty Mold: Once the scales are removed, gently wash off the black sooty mold.

Biological Control:

  •  Beneficial Insects: Encourage or introduce natural predators like ladybugs and lacewings that feed on bark scale and aphids.

Chemical Control:

  • Horticultural Oils: Apply horticultural oils during dormant periods to suffocate the scales.
  • Systemic Insecticides: As mentioned earlier, systemic insecticides can be effective. Be sure to follow the instructions and apply during the appropriate time in the pest’s life cycle.

Understanding Bark Scale’s Impact on Crepe Myrtles

Bark scale affects crepe myrtles by feeding on the tree’s sap, weakening it over time. This feeding leads to the production of honeydew, a sticky substance that encourages the growth of black sooty mold. The mold not only disfigures the tree but also inhibits photosynthesis, further stressing the plant. Understanding this pest’s life cycle is key to effective management.

Call Southern Botanical Today

Crepe myrtles are a beautiful addition to any Texas landscape, but they require care and attention to stay healthy and vibrant. If you suspect your crepe myrtles are infested with bark scale or want to prevent future problems, contact Southern Botanical today. Our team of experts can help you protect your trees and ensure they remain a stunning feature of your yard. Don’t let bark scale ruin the beauty of your crepe myrtles—reach out to us for professional pest control and landscaping services.

Bark scale is a serious pest that can affect the health and appearance of crepe myrtles in Texas. By understanding the symptoms, prevention methods, and treatment options, you can protect your trees from this invasive pest. Whether you choose to handle the problem yourself or seek professional help, taking action is crucial to maintaining the beauty of your landscape. Contact Southern Botanical for expert assistance in managing bark scale and keeping your crepe myrtles healthy and beautiful.

For more information, visit our website or give us a call today. Your crepe myrtles will thank you!